Helmet #7

Helmet #7

Outdoor Sculpture

 Kalamazoo, MI, 49008

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Installed in 1989
Location: Everett Tower, Western Michigan University

About the Artist: Payne was a 1959 graduate of Beloit College, earning a MS in Graphics, Painting and History. He then eventually earned an MFA in Sculpture Research and 3-D Design from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. While obtaining his MFA, Payne also studied alongside Arne Jakobsen, a renowned Finnish Urban Designer. Payne went on to attain the position of Associate Professor of Sculpture at Western Illinois University. He was then offered and accepted a position at Governors State University as the Visual Arts Program Coordinator, where he remained until his retirement in 2002. (link)
"The mind hungers. People need art, just like they need the sun. Without art, the world would be an ugly, gray place," – John Payne (encouraging art students to continue with their work) (link)

Photograph & slideshow images by Jade Wethy, 2013

Location Info

Kalamazoo, MI, 49008