Abstract Zen Art

Abstract Zen Art


Website: Www.abstract-zen-art.com

As an artist, my goal is to inspire. That is the highest honor one can receive. I want my art to take you to another place, regardless of the medium. A tree does not think about being a tree, it simply is a tree. As an artist, I am the same. In the moment of creating art, I simply create.

I do not fog the birth of art with musings of fame, fortune or high praise. My art is organic in nature, and I strive to keep it that way. I draw inspiration from life. There is more going on around us that can be processed. There is infinite inspiration, in every form. All forms inspire, if the eyes, ears and senses are open to them. I harness, focus and mold that energy into art.

You can be assured that when investing in my art, you are not just investing in me. I use archival quality materials, partner with local businesses and organizations and strive to be a more positive and effective member of our community. From drawings in caves, galleries, living rooms and life spaces, art consistently balances between the physical and mystical realms. Like water to the earth and blood to life, art flows through my veins.


James M White