Susan Andress

Susan Andress


 (269) 349-6991

   730 Norton Dr., Kalamazoo, MI, 49001

Susan studied art at WMU and has exhibited her work in the area for many years. She has exhibited pastels, oil paintings, photographs and more recently digital collage images and has participated many area art competitions.

She had a one-woman photographic exhibit at Norman Camera in 1980.

In 1981, she won first place and the purchase award in the Fourth Biennial Kellogg Community College Photography exhibition.

She has been included in the West Michigan Area Show eight times. She won the Inner Images Gallery award in 1998 for her pastel drawing, Seaside Arrangement and a Pfizer purchase ward in 2005 for her digital image Sundial.

She has participated in the Michigan Artists Competition in Battle Creek three times, and the Juried Regional Fine Arts Competition in Three Rivers three times, taking a first place in photography in 2007 with her digital image Faded Blooms.