Michael Mezo

Michael Mezo

Visual Artist: Illustration - Visual Artist: Painting - Visual Artist: Prints / Digital Art / Graphic Design - Collage


Website: https://mikemezo.com

   61359 County Road 215, Lawrence, MI, 49064

I studied Art from a young age and had the benefit of having an amazing teacher who had studied at the Art Institute of Chicago. I went on to study Graphic Design in the Dawn of the Adobe Age. I have worked in the Sign and Body Art industries as well as Designing logos and merchandise for numerous bands and clothing companies. I now work mainly in print media and collage as well as all types of painting from classic styles to street art.

I feel my work has something, large and small, to say about society and the geopolitical status of America and forces even greater (yes they exist)! Capitalism, Plutocracy and the inequality of worldwide wealth and quality of life for humans. I have respect for ALL artists and promote a sense of hope and love through art and awakening.